Sample Collection Process


  1. ATHLETE SELECTION You can be selected for doping control at any time and any place.
  2. NOTIFICATION A Doping Control Officer or chaperone will notify the athlete that he/she has been selected for doping control. The DCO or chaperone will inform the athlete of his/her rights and responsibilities. These include the right to have a representative present throughout the process. He/she will be asked to sign a form confirming that he/she have been selected for doping control.
  3. REPORTING TO THE DOPING CONTROL STATION Athletes should report immediately to the doping control station. The DCO or chaperone may allow the athlete to delay reporting to the station for an activity such as a news conference or to complete a training session. However, once he/she have been notified that he/she have been selected for doping control, the DCO or chaperone will accompany hem/he until the completion of the sample collection process
  4. SELECTION OF THE COLLECTION VESSEL Athletes will be given a choice of individually sealed collection vessels. He/she may select one. The athlete should verify that the equipment is intact and has not been tampered with. You should, at all times, maintain control of the collection vessel.
  5. PROVIDING  A SAMPLE During the sample provision, only the athlete and the DCO or chaperone of the same gender are permitted in the washroom. The athlete will be asked to wash his/her hands. He/she will then be asked to raise or lower his/her clothing so that the DCO or chaperone has an unobstructed view while you provide the sample.
  6. SPLITING THE SAMPLE Athletes will be given a choice of individual sealed sample collection kits. They Choose one. The athlete should verify the equipment is intact and has not been tampered with. The athlete will open the kit and confirm the sample code numbers on the bottles, the lids and containers all match .Now the athlete are going to split the sample, pouring at least 30 mL into the B bottle and the remaining urine in to the A bottle. Athletes will be asked to leave a small amount in the collection vessel. The reason for this is so the DCO can measure its specific gravity. The athlete should pour the urine by themselves unless they need help. In this instance, they will need to provide consent for athletes’ representative or the DCO to pour on their behalf.
  7. SEALING THE SAMPLE Next, athletes are supposed to seal both the A and B bottles. Athletes (or their representative) and the DCO should verify that the bottles are sealed properly.


The DCO is required to measure the sample’s specific gravity. If it does not meet certain requirements, athletes will be asked to provide another sample.


On this form, athletes should provide information about any medication – prescription or non-prescription – or dietary supplements they have taken recently. This form is also the place to note any comments athletes may have regarding any part of the doping control process. Athletes will be asked whether they consent to have their sample used anonymously for research once the analysis of doping control purposes is completed. They may say yes or no. Athletes should be absolutely certain everything is correct, including the sample code number. They have to make sure, too, that the laboratory copy of the form does not include any information that could identify the athlete. Athletes will be asked to sign the form. At the completion of collection, athlete will receive a copy of their doping control form.


The athlete’s samples are packed for shipping by a secure process. Athletes samples are sent to a WADA-accredited laboratory. When processing the athletes’ samples, that lab will adhere to the International Standard for Laboratories, ensuring the chain of custody is maintained. The athlete’s A sample is analyzed and B sample is securely stored. It may be used to confirm an Adverse Analytical Finding from the A sample. The lab will report the results of the athlete’s sample analysis to ETH-NADO and to WADA.

Athlete Rights & Responsibilities during Testing

Athletes have the right to:

  • Nominate a representative of their choice to accompany them to the Doping Control Station;
  • Request information regarding the sample collection procedure;
  • Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station, or leave the Doping Control Station once they have reported, with the consent of a Doping Control Official, while at all time in full view of the chaperone for valid reasons including to :
  • Attend a victory ceremony,
  •  Compete in further events,
  • Finish a training session,
  • Receive necessary medical attention,
  • Fulfill media commitments,
  • Warm down,
  • Undertake other activities considered reasonable and approved by the Doping Control Officer.
  • Request modifications to standard Sample Collection Procedures – this will be recorded on the Doping Control Test Form and only applies to athletes with a disability;
  • Request an interpreter if athletes have (for any reason);

 Athletes have the following Responsibilities.

  • Must know and comply with all “applicable anti-doping policies and rules”;
  • Must take responsibility for what they “ingest,” meaning what they eat and drink and anything that may enter their body. The essential rule is this: if it is in their body, they are responsible for it. In legal terms, this is called “strict liability”;
  • Must be available for sample collection;
  • Must inform medical personnel that they are obligated not to give them prohibited substances or methods. They must also take responsibility to make sure that any medical treatment they receive does not violate the Code;
  • Must cooperate with anti-doping organizations investigating anti-doping rule violations;

Coaches, trainers, managers, agents and other support personnel rights and responsibilities

Coaches, trainers, managers, agents and other support personnel are often role models for athletes. They, too, have certain rights and responsibilities. These include:

  • They must know and comply with all anti-doping policies and rules that apply to them or the athletes they support;
  • They must cooperate with the athlete-testing program;
  • They must use their considerable influence to promote a clean sport philosophy;
  • They must cooperate with ETH-NADO and other Anti-Doping Organizations investigating anti-doping rule violations;
  • They must not use or possess any prohibited substance or method without a valid justification;