All of the following criteria must be met for granting a TUE (for more details, please refer to the WADA International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) Article 4.2):
- The athlete has a clear diagnosed medical condition, which requires treatment using a prohibited substance or method;
- The therapeutic use of the substance will not, on the balance of probabilities, produce significant enhancement of performance beyond the athlete’s normal state of health;
- The prohibited substance or method is an indicated treatment for the medical condition, and there is no reasonable permitted therapeutic alternative;
- The necessity to use that substance or method is not the consequence of the prior use (without a TUE), of a substance or method which was prohibited at the time of use.
Based on these four criteria, those national level athletes can apply for ETH-NADO to be TUE granted.
On the other hand, international level athletes may submit their TUE request for International Federations and/or Major Event Organisers.