Information concerning recognition by an International Federation of a TUE issued by ETH-NADO

ETH-NADO is fully authorized to receive the TUE applications of any athlete who is not categorized as an International level athlete and make a decision based on the International Standard for Therapeutics Use Exemptions (ISTUE). On the other hand International level athletes are supposed to provide their TUE applications for their International Federations.

However, there might be a possibility that ETH-NADO may grant TUE for the International Level athletes as per article of the WADC. Therefore, the international Federations shall recognize the TUE granted by ETH-NADO, when it meets the criteria set out in the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE). If the International Federation considers that the TUE does not meet those criteria and so refuses to recognize it, it must notify the Athlete and ETH-NADO promptly, with reasons. The Athlete or ETH-NADO shall have 21 days from such notification to refer the matter to WADA for review. If the matter is referred to WADA for review, the TUE granted by ETH-NADO remains valid for national level Competition and Out-of-Competition Testing (but is not valid for international level Competition) pending WADA ’s decision. If the matter is not referred to WADA for review, the TUE becomes invalid for any purpose when the 21-day review deadline expires.